Thursday, April 2

Mid Day Pick Me Up

Around 5pm i start to lack a little energy. It's about 2 hours after lunch but still 3 hours away from dinner for me. I'm not hungry per say but I defineltely need something to keep me going. In times like this I always count on green juices/berry smoothies. They're filling while still being quite light and provide lots of energy.

Mid day berry power smoothie

-1/2 cup mixed frozen fruit (whatever is your favorite combination)
-1/2-1 cup frozen blueberries
-1 date
-1 cup mixed greens (I ran out so they're not pictured)
-water to blend
-dried mulberries to top

Throw into to blender and blend until desired consistency. 
This is really refreshing and again filling at the same time!! The mulberries on top bring it all together. This usually holds me over until dinner. Let me know if you try it out! :)

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